Purchase digital downloads
To make purchases you will need to be logged in with your own login. This is different from a password that may have been provided to access a specific private gallery. Your login will consist of your own email and a password of your own choosing. If you do not have a login please find the Login option on the menu bar and create one before proceeding.
Unless you intend to purchase only one image it is best to use the “Favorites” option to create a list of images you might purchase. As you browse through images, click the heart on an image to add it to your favorites. See https://timothyavery.com/Selections for more information about choosing favorites.
When you are ready to make your purchases start with one image and click “Buy.” If you don't see the "Buy" button on an image, hover the mouse over the images to make that button appear.
Click on the word “Downloads” for options to purchase one or five or ten digital images.
Choose the quantity of images you would like to download (ten, five or single).
Click on “Favorites” or “All” tabs in the left panel to see more images to add to your batch of 10 or 5 images. Drag and drop additional images from the left column to the right-hand side as desired. When you have a complete set of images (10 or 5) click on the “Add to Cart” button on bottom right-hand corner.
Click on the “Go to Cart” button to proceed.
Note several options in the cart. Click “Edit” if you need to change your selection of images to download. Choose “Continue Shopping” if you want to purchase another batch of additional images. Finally, click on “Proceed to Checkout” when you are ready to finalize your purchase.
Please understand that the images will not be ready to download immediately. If the images you selected were in the Proofs folder, then they are raw images straight of the camera. They will be replaced with a retouched version of the same image before the order is approved. Charges are not made to your credit card until the order is approved.
You will receive an email with a link when the images are ready for download.